Sinds 18 september 2019 publiceert IDW de zesde run van G.I. Joe, een comic geschreven door Paul Allor en grootdeels getekend door de Nederlander Chris Evenhuis! In deze dystopische wereld is Cobra aan de macht en wordt deze bestreden door het team van G.I. Joe als een soort van ondergronds verzet. Heel anders dan het reguliere goed vs. kwaad verhaal dat wel veelal kennen van de Amerikaanse helden. Ik bedoel, wie had er nou verwacht dat op 4 juli, de dag van de onafhankelijkheid in de V.S., de vlaggen voor Cobra zouden wapperen en de mensen daarbij zouden staan juichen?!
Dit is wat we kunnen zien in issue #7, zo konden we al eerder hier en hier op Twitter van Allor lezen. Vandaar de onderstaande 2 afbeeldingen... 2 verschillende vierde juli's, 2 totaal verschillende settings... Al nieuwsgierig?
In Augustus van 2020 verscheen issue #7, na een langdurige Corona-stop, en deze werd online alom met lof overspoeld. Het gaat over Scarlett die kampt met PTSS, leed wat veel veteranen ondergaan, welke ook gelezen kan worden zonder kennis te hebben van de zes eerdere delen. Ook mensen die normaal geen G.I. Joe comics lazen waren laaiend enthousiast. Over dit issue schreven we eerder, wat hier, hier en hier te lezen is. In de maand September van 2020 werd de gehele comic gratis online aangeboden in het kader van de Nationale zelfmoord preventie bewustzijns maand.
Om een overzicht te geven van de issues tot nu toe, en omdat ik gewoon helemaal verzot ben op de regelrechte kunst welke we zien in de comics van tegenwoordig, is hieronder een overzicht te vinden van alle cover art, ook alle alternatieve covers, en per issue een preview van 5 pagina's met een korte synopsis.
Omdat ook van issue 9 en 10 al covers en hun synopsis bekend zijn, ontbreken deze niet in het overzicht. Gisteren is er ook nog een eenmalige issue aangekondigd, een One Shot, dus ook deze heb ik toegevoegd. Ook de datum waarop we de komende issues kunnen verwachten kun je in het overzicht terug vinden.
Van sommige issues zijn er qua covers nog wat extra krenten toegevoegd, ik smul daar persoonlijk enorm van. Hopelijk genieten jullie daar net zo van. đđœ
De plaatjes heb ik online gevonden. Vaak op de website van IDW, maar voor alternatieve covers keek ik op de Twitter accounts van de artiesten zelf, de website van Previews World (PW), Hisstank.com en elders op het internet. Per issue heb ik zo goed als ik kon de mensen die hebben meegewerkt aan de comic credits gegeven, met waar mogelijk een link naar hun sociale media.
Al eerder stelden we een geweldig mooi overzicht samen van de concept art van deze G.I. Joe comic reeks en dit is te lezen in het arikel: "#GIJonday - G.I. Joe Comic Concept Art & Teasers - Allor, Evenhuis & Peer".
Geniet van de mooie beelden en hopelijk spoort dit jullie aan tot het kopen van deze comics. De comic industrie is een sector die zwaar is getroffen door de Corona-crisis, dus ze kunnen onze support goed gebruiken. Je kunt de comics zowel digitaal als op papier kopen, wat jij zelf fijn vindt. Hoe meer we kopen, hoe meer er gemaakt kan worden in de toekomst. De komende tijd gaan we in ieder geval nog veel meer aandacht geven aan de comics van G.I.Joe en diens artiesten, dus vergeet vooral niet geregeld ons magazine te checken!
Maar voordat we van we het visuele schoons gaan genieten eerst twee interviews met auteur Paul Allor, welke hij deed met The Full Force podcast. De eerste vertelt iets over de geschiedenis die Allor heeft met G.I. Joe en hoe dit concept tot stand is gekomen. De tweede gaat over de ontwikkelingen tot en met issue #5. Twee uiterst vermakelijke gesprekken in een ontspannen sfeer. Zeker de moeite waard om te beluisteren! đđœâ€
The Full Force podcast en Code Name: New2Vero2 maakten van iedere issue een review en die heb ik onder de plaatjes van ieder issue toegevoegd. Ook weer erg vermakelijk, maar weer gewaarschuwd, want het zit vanzelfsprekend vol met spoilers. đĄ Als dank voor de podcast over issie #4 kregen The Full Force podcast iets enorm tofs toegestuurd, maar daarvoor moet je hieronder zelf maar kijken. đ
Helemaal onderaan de pagina staat een artikel ter promotie van issue #1 van Inside Pulse, welke ik integraal heb overgenomen. Daaronder nog een interview met Paul Allor van Westfeld comics.
Dit is een eextraatje want dit heeft niets met de covers of previews te maken, maar het is wel erg leuk om te lezen. đđœ
Natuurlijk zijn we erg nieuwsgierig wat jij van de covers, de comics zelf en het artwork vindt. Laat dat ons vooral weten in de reacties. Voor nu veel leesplezier gewenst, en...
Yo Joe!!!

The Full Force podcast interviewt Paul Allor nog voor het uitkomen van issue #1.
The Full Force podcast interviewt Paul Allor net voordat #5 in het schap ligt.
Issue 1 "Live During Wartime" & Preview
Tyranny is on the rise as Cobra topples governments and spreads its ruthless power across the globe. In these trying times, desperate measures are taken. The new G.I. Joe program recruits civilian spies and saboteurs: ordinary people living in occupied territories who will put their lives on the line to strike back through clandestine but high-impact missions.
Join these new recruits as they resist Cobra control, fight to make a better world for all, and find out just what they are capable of.
Comic Synopsis:
"Cobra has spread its influence across the globe, resulting in widespread war. This war has left few places untouched, including the interior of the United States of America. The forces aligned against Cobra struggle to contain its spread and things look increasingly direâŠ"
Paul Allor (Author), Chris Evenhuis (Artist), Brittany Peer (Colors), Neil Uyetake (Letters), Bobby Curnow (Editor).
Cover A:
Chris Evenhuis (Artist).
Retail Incentive Cover A / RI-A:
Dustin Weaver (Artist).
Retail Incentive Cover B -/RI-B:
Eleonora Carlini (Artist).
Frankie's Comics Exclusive:
Clayton Crain (Artist)
In Shops: September 18, 2019
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color
Cover A:
Chris Evenhuis (Artist).

Retail Incentive Cover A / RI-A:
Dustin Weaver (Artist).

Retail Incentive Cover B -/RI-B:
Eleonora Carlini (Artist).

Frankie's Comics Exclusive:
Clayton Crain (Artist)


The Full Force podcast
Code Name: New2Vero2
Voor issue 1 is er een toffe timelaps gemaakt van het proces van Chris Evenhuis, hoe hij de cover ontwierp!
Issue 2 "The Biginner's Guide to Surrender" & Preview
"With Cobra ascendent across the globe, the G.I. Joe program takes on new recruits to fight back. Are the recruits, everyday people determined to fight for their country, ready for the realities of war? Or will Cobra root out and destroy the initiative before it has a chance to launch?"
Comic Synopsis:
"Cobra is in command, and the world is one minute closer to midnight. To fight back, GI Joe is recruiting civilians and training them as spies, assassins and saboteurs. But these are dark times for GI Joe. Duke, their beloved head trainer, is dead, shot down in the street by Major Bludd. Tiger, their most recent recruit, is a brash and unpolished addition to the team, who destroyed a mission and alienated himself from his fellow Joes. Roadblock, a field team member, just killed a man for the first time, and is still reeling from it. And General Hawk, their leader, has delivered terrible news: the United States has surrendered to Cobra, leaving GI Joe with no support and an uncertain future."
Paul Allor (Author), Chris Evenhuis (Artist), Brittany Peer (Colors), Neil Uyetake (Letters), Bobby Curnow (Editor).
Cover A:
Chris Evenhuis (Artist).
Retail Incentive Cover:
Karl Moline (Artist).
In Shops: October 23, 2019
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color

The Preview:

The Full Force podcast
Code Name: New2Vero2
Issue 3 "Breakfast in America" & Preview
"A dangerous mission with unintended consequences will divide the new members of the G.I. Joe team and hammer home just how lethal their new mission is. Meanwhile, Cobra comes closer to wiping out all resistance to its rule!"
Comic Synopsis:
"In the wake of the United Statesâ surrender to Cobra, GI Joe is fighting back: recruiting civilians and training them as spies, assassins and saboteurs. Their early missions have not gone perfectly; field member Roadblock killed his first man, and is still dealing with it. But the Joes persevere, in a nation under Cobraâs command."
Paul Allor (Author), Chris Evenhuis (Artist), Brittany Peer (Colors), Neil Uyetake (Letters), Bobby Curnow (Editor).
Cover A:
Chris Evenhuis (Artist).
Retail Incentive Cover:
Tadd Galusha (Artist).
In Shops: December 18, 2019
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color

Tadd Galusha tekende de Retail Incentive (RI) Cover en plaatste van zijn proces wat afbeeldingen op zijn website met onderstaande tekst. Ărg tof!!! Ook vond ik nog een extra afbeelding ergens online. Allemaal tof genoeg om ook hieronder te plaatsen.
Got it Covered
An array of the light spectrum is hyper focused through a clear gelatinous lens. The light upon being processed forms an image. This image is then transformed into a series of electrical impulses that travel along a general pathway to a processing center, where upon receiving the data the image is processed for analysis. Great. Fantastic. What drear is this âtechnical manualâ regurgitation referencing to?
Replace âpathwayâ with optic nerve and âprocessing centerâ with the brain, and this is how a human has the ability to see the world. So that human then walks into their local, independently owned, comic shop. They peruse the aisles of freshly printed material with wide gawking eyes searching for that next potential meal of mental consumption. The covers of said fresh produce immediately fire upon the humanâs eyes with a barrage of tantalizing and thundering rays spanning from all across the color spectrum. Each cover hoping to achieve an intended death blow to the human will of financial restraint.
The coveted âCover Artâ the first and last thing that is ever seen on a book. I recently did some cover work. I donât know if itâs reflective light is necessarily going to blow proverbial minds of comic inclined patrons, but I tried. If they at lease forge some interest, Iâll be happy.
GI Joe is doing a relaunch this September. Here was my approach for the variant:


The Full Force podcast:
Code Name: New2Vero2
Journey into the heart of Cobra as Major Bludd searches for the hidden truth behind Cobra high command! What will Cobraâs new vision of America mean for G.I. Joe?
Comic Synopsis:
"GI Joe has struck back against Cobra, destroying a bridge over the Mississippi River, and cutting off one of Cobraâs major supply routes. Major Bludd, the head of Cobraâs urban police, had suspected that GI Joe was still active and had done all he could to stop the bridgeâs destruction. Now, heâs been called back to Cobra Headquarters, to account for the attack."
Paul Allor (Author), Niko Walter (Artist), Brittany Peer (Colors), Neil Uyetake (Letters), Bobby Curnow (Editor).
Cover A:
Niko Walter (Artist).
Retail Incentive Cover:
Naomi Fanquiz (Artist).
In Shops: January 1, 2020
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color

Deze variant cover vond ik echt geweldig! De spanning en angst straalt er vanaf. Daarom ging ik kijken op de Twitter tijdlijn van de artiest, Noami Franquiz. Daar vond ik de afbeelding geheel niet. Dus vroeg ik haar of ze iets als een schets of zo had zodat kon deze kon toevoegen aan dit artikel. En ze reageerde prompt met een schets en het eindresultaat. Geweldig als artiesten zo meewerkend en behulpzaam zijn. Hier geniet ik echt van!
Yo Joe!!!


The Full Force podcast:
The Full Force podcast reviewde issue #4 en kreeg van Niko Walter als dank onderstaande tekening! đđœâ€đ„
Daaronder de review van The Full Force podcast. đđœ

Code Name: New2Vero2
Issue 5 "Dreadknokistan" & Preview.
"The Joes return to Indianapolis, site of one of Cobraâs greatest atrocities. Little do they expect to find the city controlled by the brutal Dreadnoks! As Cobra draws closer, the Joes will have to make difficult choices in an impossible situation!"
Comic Synopsis:
"Following the United Statesâ surrender, Cobra is in command. But it was a long war, marked by brutal tactics from CobraâŠ. including the massacre of Indianapolis."
Paul Allor (Author), Chris Evenhuis (Artist), Brittany Peer (Colors), Neil Uyetake (Letters), Bobby Curnow (Editor).
Cover A:
Chris Evenhuis (Artist).
Retail Incentive Cover:
Ryan Kelly (Artist) Brittany Peer (Colors).
In Shops: February 12, 2020
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color


The Full Force podcast:
Code Name: New2Vero2
Issue 6 "The Fade Away" & Preview
"A mission to smuggle vital intelligence to Free Canada goes sideways when Fadeaway confronts someone from her past working in Cobra! The bonds of friendship are tested when lives are at stake. The results of this mission will have drastic and far-reaching consequences for both Joe and Cobra!"
Comic Synopsis:
"Cobra has taken command of the world, through a combination of political savvy, economic populism and a powerful and well-trained military, supplemented by robotic soldiers known as Battle Android Troopers (B.A.T.s). To combat Cobra, GI Joe has worked to recruit civilian assets, training them as spies, assassins and saboteurs. These civilians come from a wide range of backgrounds, and one of them â codenamed Fadeaway â once worked for Cobra itself, when it was still just a multinational technology company.
Recently, GI Joe team members met a resistance group known as the Dreadnoks, who have worked to develop defensive methods aimed at halting the progress of Cobraâs B.A.T.s. While their mission to protect the Dreadnoks was largely unsuccessful, GI Joe plans to use what they learned from the group in the ongoing fight against Cobra Command."
Paul Allor (Author), Chris Evenhuis (Artist), Brittany Peer (Colors), Neil Uyetake (Letters), Bobby Curnow (Editor).
Cover A:
Chris Evenhuis (Artist).
Retail Incentive Cover:
Emma Vieceli (Artist) Brittany Peer (Colors).
In Shops: May 27, 2020
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color


The Full Force podcast:
Issue 7 "A Soldiers Heart" & Preview
"Secrets are exposed in this vital flashback issue. Witness the rise of Cobra from tech giant to military juggernaut and discover how Scarlett, suffering from the realities of a life of combat, found her way to the burgeoning GI Joe movement. Written by Paul Allor with art by Chris Evenhuis."
Meer over dit issue in ons artikel.
Over de Easter egg in de cover van Chris Evenhuis kun je hier lezen.
In de maand September van 2020 is de comic in zijn geheel gratis te lezen via deze link, in het kader van de National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.
Comic Synopsis:
"Cobra has taken command of the world. To fight back, G.I. Joe recruits civilians, training them as spies, assassins and saboteurs. But the leadership of G.I. Joe is made up of combat veterans, with years of experience on the frontlines. Two of these veterans are Duke, a beloved leader who was shot down in the streets by Cobra operatives, and Scarlett, the Joesâ battle-hardened training instructor. Before Dukeâs death, the two shared a deep history as comrades in arms."
Paul Allor (Author), Chris Evenhuis (Artist), Brittany Peer (Colors), Neil Uyetake (Letters), Bobby Curnow (Editor).
Chris Evenhuis (Artist).
Retailer Incentive Cover:
Sara Richard (Artist).
KRS Comics Exclusive Cover:
Ariel Diaz (Artist).
In Shops: Augustus 16, 2020
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color

Retailer Incentive Cover: Sara Richard (Artist)

KRS Comics Exclusive Cover: Ariel Diaz (Artist)

Incorrecte Retail Exclusive Cover #8 Ariel Diaz (Artist)
Deze vond ik hier online, op de website van Graphic Policy. Het verwarde me, omdat dit juist een exclusieve cover van issue #7 betrof. Dus probeerde ik erachter te komen wat hiermee aan de hand is.
Paul Allor had geen idee. Via DM op Instagram vertelde artiest Ariel Diaz me dat het een cover van issue #7 betrof. Chris Evenhuis vertelde me dat het waarschijnlijk een fout betrof aan het begin van het proces, dat dit wel vaker voorkomt, en dit soort fouten er normaal gesproken uitgefilterd worden voordat het naar de drukker gaat. Uiteindelijk reageerde Graphic Policy dat dit door IDW was aangeleverd.
Dus concludeerde ik het volgende:
Maar het lijkt me redelijk om aan te nemen dat dit een fout was, een incorrecte cover. Het zal dus niet in de winkel te koop zijn en op niet veel plaatsen op het internet te vinden zijn. Maar al is het wellicht een betekenisloze kruimel, wij vinden het toch waardevol om deze toe te voegen aan dit overzicht. Voor een nerd als ik zijn dit namelijk de krenten uit de pap, die het samenstellen van een overzicht als dit een stuk leuker maken. đĄđđœâ€
Maar er is weer een nieuwe ontwikkeling te melden. IDW reageerde namelijk op Twitter, en ze waren stellig. Het betreft issue #8! đ€·ââïž
"Hello! We apologize for the confusion but the cover is to G.I Joe #8 and is a retailer exclusive."
Daarop heb ik gereageerd met een bedankje voor het antwoord, maar dat hiermee de verwarring slechts werd vergroot. Ik heb op het bovenstaande gewezen, de reactie van de artiest Ariel Diaz, en gewezen op de binnenlanden van de comics, waar altijd een overzicht staat van de alternatieve covers. Hierin wordt gecommuniceerd dat het een exclusieve cover betreft van KRS Comics en dat het niet gecommuniceerd wordt in het overzicht van issue #8.
Ben benieuwd wat de reactie hierop zal zijn. Wordt hopelijk vervolgd...


The Full Force podcast:
Code Name: New2Vero2
Issue 8 "OurToxic Friends" review
"The Joes travel to Eastern Europe to sabotage a key component of Cobraâs industrial war machine. To do so, moral lines will have to be crossed, and complicated relationships will have to be destroyed. G.I. Joeâs multi-pronged assault on Cobra is just beginning."
Comic Synopsis:
"Cobra has taken command of the world. To fight back, G.I. Joe recruits civilians, training them as spies, assassins and saboteurs. Recently, G.I. Joe has focused its efforts on Cobraâs Battle Android Troopers ââ gathering intelligence, and finding ways to fight back against the Cobra death machines."
Paul Allor (Author), Emma Vieceli (Artist), Brittany Peer (Colors), Neil Uyetake (Letters), Bobby Curnow (Editor).
Cover A:
Niko Walter (Artist).
Cover B:
Freddie Williams II (Artist), Jeremy Colwell (Colors).
Retail Incentive Cover:
Adam Gorham (Artist), Kelly Fitzpatrick (Colors).
In Shops: September 09, 2020
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color

Onderstaande afbeelding was de eerste versie. Paul Allor plaatste deze op Twitter met toestemming van Adam Gorham. Het was namelijk geen comic over zombies! đđ„ł
"BTW, here was @AdamTGorham's and @wastedwings's first draft, but they had to change it because this ain't a book about zombies, people!
(Adam sent me this a while back and he did just grant me his permission to share it, haha)"


The Full Force
Code Name: New2Vero2
In Nepal, Tunnel Rat has secured crucial intel in the fight against Cobra. With a platoon of Vipers and battle androids hot on his heels, Tunnel Rat must traverse the labyrinthine sewers in a desperate attempt to stay alive and ahead of his pursuers. This issue is tense and claustrophobic Joe action at it's best!
Dr. Mindbender's quest to build a better battle android goes awry as he finds himself on the wrong end of their wrath. Will an unexpected Joe come to his aid or take advantage of an opportunity to deal a major blow to Cobra?
Paul Allor (Author), Ryan Kelly (Artist), Brittany Peer (Colors), Neil Uyetake (Letters), Bobby Curnow (Editor).
Cover A:
Chris Evenhuis (Artist).
Cover B:
Freddie Williams II (Artist) Jeremy Colwell (Colors).
Retail Incentive Cover:
Scott Drummond (Artist).
In Shops: October 28, 2020
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color
Extra info:
Wat leuk is om te weten is dat in eerste instantie de credits op de covers van issue #9 per abuis Niko Walter vermeldden. Paul Allor was zo vriendelijk om de juiste covers met correcte credits te sturen, waardoor er nu zoals het hoort de naam van Ryan Kelly boven schittert. đđœâ€đ„ Beide versies van de covers heb ik vanzelfsprekend in dit historisch overzicht meegenomen. đ
Ook leuk om op te merken is dat bij de RI cover van Scott Drummond op de afbeelding met logo de belichting net iets anders is dan op de afbeelding zonder logo. đĄ

Panel van Ryan Kelly.

Issue 10 & Preview
"Delve into the twisted psyche of Doctor Mindbender as he begins the next horrific stage of development for Cobra's automaton soldiers! When Mindbender's experiments turn against him, can he find anyone to come to his aide in the den of vipers that is Cobra?"
Paul Allor (Author), Chris Evenhuis (Artist), Brittany Peer (Colors), Neil Uyetake (Letters), Bobby Curnow (Editor).
Cover A:
Chris Evenhuis (Artist).
Cover B:
Freddie Williams II (Artist) Jeremy Colwell (Colors).
In Shops: November 04, 2020
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color

Cover B:
Freddie Williams II (Artist) Jeremy Colwell (Colors).
Leuk om te zien hoe de uiteindelijke cover het spiegelbeeld is van de originele schets!

One Shot - Castle Fall (Double Sized Issue)
"The past year of G.I. Joe leads to this! The Joes aim to topple Cobra by turning its own assets against themâ but Cobra strikes first at Joe leadership from the inside! Twists, turns and massive amounts of action make this a G.I. Joe event not to be missed!"
Paul Allor (Author), Chris Evenhuis (Artist), Brittany Peer (Colors), Neil Uyetake (Letters), Bobby Curnow (Editor).
Cover A:
Chris Evenhuis (Artist).
Cover B:
Freddie Williams II (Artist) Jeremy Colwell (Colors).
In Shops: November 25, 2020
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 64
Color: Full Color

Hieronder volgen twee interviews.

IDW Catches Cobraâs Ire Over G.I. Joe?
News release.
IDW Insurgents Print New G.I. JOE Comic Book in Defiance of Cobraâs Absolute Control
In the Wake of Cobraâs Total Victory, G.I. Joe Malcontents Recruit Citizens as Spies to Sow Chaos.
Loyal citizens of Cobra, take heed: our glorious Commander has warned that IDW Publishing, the outlawed propagandist organization, will launch a new campaign of disinformation in September, peddling a wave of new anarchist pamphlets simply entitled G.I. Joe!
Inspired by fugitives including Conrad S. Hauser (Code Name: DUKE) and Shana M. OâHara (Code Name: SCARLETT), the insurrectionist duo of writer Paul Allor and artist Chris Evenhuis seek to poison the hearts and souls of our populace â brainwashing individuals into committing acts of espionage and sabotage.
Make no mistake: There will be dire consequences for the weak-minded fools who fall under G.I. Joeâs sway and disobey the Cobra World Order!
Our vigilant Tele-Vipers have intercepted two communications from the revolutionary named Paul Allor:
âThis story is inspired both by modern warfare â where non-state actors fight vastly overpowered militaries to a perpetual standstill â and World War II, where Great Britainâs SOE recruited civilians behind enemy lines.â
âOld-school G.I. Joe fans will absolutely love it and find it true to everything G.I. Joe stands for, and new folks will be attracted to a deeply character-driven tale of hope and humanity, and about the power of resilience in an increasingly unraveling world.â
Citizens, you are reminded: Cobra demands total loyalty and allegiance. Independent thought and personal freedoms must be sacrificed to preserve the magnificent society granted to you through Cobraâs magnanimous graces.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR COBRA OPERATIVES: Our intelligence officers indicate that copies of the subversive G.I. Joe comic book may be dispersed at local comic shops beginning in September. It is your duty to seek out cover variants from Chris Evenhuis, Dustin Weaver, and Eleanora Carlini, and collect these copies to prevent them from falling into enemy hands. Visit www.comicshoplocator.com to find a store near you. OBEY COBRA!
This a reboot of the G.I. Joe franchise at IDW.

Westfeld Comics interview with Paul Allor on IDW's G.I. Joe
Paul Allor is the popular writer of comics including Clue, G.I. Joe, Monstro Mechanica, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more. Now, heâs part of a team taking G.I. Joe in a direction youâve never seen before. Allor tells Westfieldâs Roger Ash whatâs in store for this exciting new series.
Westfield: This is a pretty major change in the world of G.I. Joe. What can you tell us about its origins?
Paul Allor: Yes, this is definitely a big change and an exciting new chapter for G.I. Joe! Hasbro and IDW were looking for a fresh take on the G.I. Joe comics, focused on ordinary people pushed into extraordinary circumstances. From that core concept, editor Bobby Curnow, artist Chris Evenhuis, colorist Brittany Peer and I ran with it, creating a world where Cobra has conquered most of the planet and G.I. Joe is doing all it can to strike back and restore some sense of sanity to an increasingly broken world.
G.I. Joe is still run by the best the military and espionage forces have to offer, but now theyâre recruiting everyday people living behind enemy lines, and training them to be spies, assassins, and saboteurs who will strike back against Cobra in any way they can.
Westfield: How much world-building did you do for the series?
Allor: I would say that we did exactly the right amount of world-building, haha. Iâm not a big fan of world-building for its own sake, and I feel like writers often focus on it to the detriment of their characters, leading to comics that are front-loaded with exposition. So, yes, thereâs obviously a lot of world-building in this story â we know how everything fits together, and how the world of G.I. Joe came to be where it is. We know what brought this world one minute closer to midnight, and how G.I. Joe ended up on the unfamiliar side of an asymmetrical war against a far more powerful opponent. But thatâs all in service of a great story, with compelling characters and thrilling action.
Westfield: What can readers look forward to in the series?
Allor: Practically speaking, our first couple of arcs are going to focus on one-shot missions, with each issue serving as its own exciting and exquisitely well-crafted story, focused on the men and women on the frontlines of the battle against Cobra (or, in a few cases, focused on the Cobra operatives on the frontlines of the battle against G.I. Joe).
Like all the best G.I. Joe stories, this book is also going to be deeply character-centered, with something to say about heroism, about duty, about camaraderie and about the high cost of fighting back against tyranny. But if that sounds heavy or preachy, donât worry: weâre more interested in asking questions than answering them. Weâre more interested in making readers think and feel than in telling them what to think and feel. And above all, weâre more interested in delivering fantastic, compelling stories, month after month.
Westfield: Can you tell us anything about the new recruits?
Allor: Not a lot, just yet! Some of them (like Roadblock, Jinx, and Cover Girl) have familiar names from past iterations of G.I. Joe, while others (like Tiger and Fadeaway) are brand new. But theyâre all just ordinary people who are new to the espionage game. That means theyâre going to make mistakes â sometimes very big, sometimes very relatable mistakes. It also means theyâre going to show extraordinary bravery and incredible resilience. I think readers will see a lot of themselves in these characters.
Westfield: Youâre working with artist Chris Evenhuis on the series. What can you say about your collaboration?
Allor: I could talk for hours about working with Chris, and it still wouldnât be enough. Chris is both a real-deal superstar in the making, and an extraordinary collaborator. His action storytelling is impeccable, his designs are delightful, and his character work is sublime. Weâve worked incredibly closely on this book, building the look and feel of the world from the ground up. And Iâd also be remiss if I didnât mention colorist Brittany Peer, who is raising Chrisâ storytelling to a whole new level, with gorgeous palettes and storytelling-driven coloring choices that complement Chrisâ clean-line art style just perfectly.
Because of them, and because of editor Bobby Curnowâs always-incisive feedback and unflagging support, working on G.I. Joe often feels like working on a bespoke creator-owned book, despite being one of the biggest and most enduring properties of the last thirty-seven years.
Westfield: Any closing comments?
Allor: Yes: this book is going to be so much fun! I truly believe that the entire creative team is doing some of the best work of their career, and it shows on every page.
I know that over-the-top, hyperbolic marketing is really common in comics, but I tend to be a lot more low-key when discussing my own work. But with that in mind: I truly believe that G.I. Joe will be one of the best books on the stands this Fall. Weâre making something special, here, and if you like action, if you like great character work, if you like books that make you think and make you feel and make you smile with every turn of the page, then I absolutely urge you to check it out. You will be so glad you did.

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