Lenny Panzica is Co-creator & Lead Designer van de G.I. Joe Classified Series. In jullie deelde de WeatherDominator op Instagram als twee ontwerpen, en deze week voegde hij er nog eens twee aan toe. Heerlijk dit soort beelden! 😎👑🔥
Wat zou ik graag veel en veel meer van zijn werk zien zeg. Dit soort tekeningen van figuren en voertuigen, de kleurenstudies, tussentijdse aanpassingen, handgetekende krabbels, concept art, alles is welkom, maar de output is wat dit betreft helaas erg schaars.
Dus doen we het met Wild Bill, Torpedo, Wolf Spider en Mole Rats, wat een heerlijke aanvulling is op ons G.I. Joe Art archief, waar Panzica zeker niet in mag ontbreken. Dus nu zonder verder oponthoud...
Merry Christmas & Yo Joe! 👊🏽🎄❤️
Wild Bill
"Designing Wild Bill was a blast. From the flight suit with the leather holsters and long horn buckle to the sweet feathery locks atop his head :p Here is a quick look at his black and white turn views I did a few months back. YO JOE!!!"
#gijoe #gijoeclassifiedseries #hasblab #dragonfly

"To celebrate the first tier being unlocked! Here is some of Ripcords gear turns :) thanks again for all the support!!! YO JOE!!!!"
#haslab #gijoedragonfly #gijoeclassifiedseries

Wolf Spider
"This is part of the input for Wolf Spider’s helmet mask and optics. This was especially fun to create as I wanted to get into operating optics with a folding hinge. Wolf Spider was a great add to the Classified line as we needed a character that specialized in getting the Joes out of bad situations like the dark energon infected Mole Rats."

Mole Rats
"Here is another input this time for the Mole Rats!! The idea was to make a science officer/trooper that had a suit malfunction and so gets mutated by the environment :) you know real wholesome stuff :p His drill tool was designed to take core samples but later during the sculpting phase we realized he needed a fire arm of some sort so the laser barrel attachment was added :) his lantern is actually a core sample container with some energon inside. From the beginning I wanted these guys to have glowing eyes so I made the lenses on their masks super round that way they looked like to floating orbs when the glowing effect was activated."
#gijoe #gijoeclassified #actionfigures

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