Battle Action Force Treasury Edition - Nu 3 halen, 2 betalen!!! 🔥🔥🔥

Gepubliceerd op 21 juni 2024 om 02:06

TotalToyBooks heeft een nieuwe Kickstarter: Battle Action Force! De oude comics uit de UK, verpakt in 3 dikke hardcover omibussen! 

Ze hebben nu een "Early Bird Bundle", dit is een tijdelijke pre-order waarbij je de 3 delen voor de prijs van 2 kunt bestellen! €147.98 en je hebt dit bijzondere drieluik hopelijk deze kerst onder de boom liggen. Het ruim 6 kilo wegende papierwerk kost €23,- om naar Nederland te versturen. 💪🏽😎🔥

Hieronder zie je de beschrijving van dit tijdelijke aanbod in de originele Engelse tekst. Je kunt de drie delen ook individueel bestellen, daarvoor heb ik de linkjes in onderstaande tekst toegevoegd. De illustraties die op deze pagina's worden gedeeld vind je in 3 aparte galerijen, dan krijg je een duidelijker beeld van wat je kunt verwachten. 👌🏽👑

Hun eerdere Action Force boeken zijn, mits nog leverbaar, via de TotalToyBooks Webshop te koop. Ik kan uit eigen ervaring zeggen dat het geweldig mooie pareltjes zijn en dus zeker de moeite waard als je deze nog niet hebt. 

Yo Joe! 👊🏽


English Text:

"Pre-order all three volumes of this Deluxe Treasury Edition set for the price of 2. This limited time ‘Early Bird’ offer allows Action Force fans to more than 800 pages of ‘Tough, Tense, Terrific’ Action Force stories and content!
Returning to print after more than 40 years, this limited edition deluxe volume set collects the original Action Force strips from Battle Action Force. Featuring action packed stories such as ‘Red Jackal’, ‘Operation Claymore’ and ‘Assault on Atoll Z’, as well as many more hard hitting Action Force adventures. 

The set includes:

Dimensions: 270mm x 325mm x 92mm

Weight: 6.38KG

Estimated delivery December 2024."


Red Tide Rising


Pre-order Battle Action Force Treasury Edition Volume 1 - Red Tide Rising.

Returning to print after more than 40 years, this limited edition deluxe volume collects the secret origins of Baron Ironblood and his legions of Red Shadows. Featuring Operation Bloodhound and other classic stories.

Featuring the epic ‘Operation Bloodhound’ by Gerry Finley-Day and Geoff Campion. In the aftermath of 'Action Ascendency' Action Force's SAS team pursue Baron Ironblood across the South American continent but soon find that they themselves have become the quarry. Captain Buckingham, codename Eagle, and his squad must use all of their survival skills to stay one-step ahead of the hunt.

Also includes a covers gallery, Action Force data files and the top secret file on The Baron.

  • No. of pages: 272

  • Dimensions: 270mm x 325mm x 30mm

  • Weight: 2.06KG

Battle Action Force Treasury Edition Volume 1 - Red Tide Rising by Gerry Finley-Day (writer) and Geoff Campion (artist)
Also featuring the talents of James Tomlinson, Cam Kennedy, Robert Turner, Jim Watson, Anthony Coleman, Jim Bleach, John Cooper and Vanyo. Cover Art by Robin Smith and Geoff Campion.

Estimated delivery December 2024.


World In Peril


Pre-order Battle Action Force Treasury Edition Volume 2 - World In Peril.

Returning to print after more than 40 years, this limited edition deluxe volume collects the original Action Force strips from Battle Action Force. Featuring the action packed ‘Operation Claymore’ by Gerry Finley-Day and John Cooper, as well as other hard hitting Action Force stories. 

The Action Force teams are spread across the globe in a desperate attempt to battle Baron Ironblood and his legions of Red Shadows. 

Also includes a covers gallery and character data files.

  • No. of pages: 304

  • Dimensions: 270mm x 325mm x 32mm

  • Weight: 2.26KG

Battle Action Force Treasury Edition Volume 2 - World In Peril by Gerry Finley-Day (writer) and John Cooper (artist). Also featuring the talents of James Tomlinson, Scott Goodall, Jim Watson, Robert Turner, Gual and Geoff Campion. Cover Art by John Cooper.

Estimated delivery December 2024.

Axis of Evil


Pre-order Battle Action Force Treasury Edition Volume 3 - Axis Of Evil.

Returning to print after more than 40 years, this limited edition deluxe volume collects the epic Z Force trilogy by Gerry Finley-Day and Vanyo.

From the desert sands of Duna to the coral islands of the South Pacific, Z Force, lead by Captain Grant Campbell, stand against the most fearsome terrorist factions on the planet. 

Also includes a covers gallery, Action Force combat reports and character data files

  • No. of pages: 272

  • Dimensions: 270mm x 325mm x 30mm

  • Weight: 2.06KG

Battle Action Force Treasury Edition Volume 3 - Axis Of Evil by Gerry Finley-Day (writer) and Vanyo (artist). Cover Art by Vanyo.

Estimated delivery December 2024.


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